June 2017 - Greatest Performance

Archives for June 2017

Top 10 Plays for Theater Newcomers

About.com Guide writer Wade Bradford lists down the top 10 plays for theater newcomers: 1. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, William Shakespeare This is one of the most popular plays by Shakespeare. The audience will enjoy this fantasy-themed play about fairies and mixed-up-lovers presented in a fun and lighter plot. 2. The Miracle Worker, William Gibson […]

The Music of Shen Yun – Incredibly Unique Classical Music

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra seeks to open up horizons in the world of Western music by combining the spirit, beauty, and distinctiveness of Chinese music with the precision, power, and grandeur of the Western Symphony Orchestra, has become an incredible group to view.

Top 5 Classical Music Composers of All Time

The list of the top 5 classical music composers of all time: Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin.