This year, the world-renowned Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra went on board its first ever concert tour in the USA. After the success of their Carnegie Hall debut the previous year, the amazing orchestra group was back again to bring beautiful music to 7 other cities in the U.S. The concert tour began at the Kennedy Center Concert Hall in Washington DC, and culminated in San Francisco at the Davies Symphony Hall.
“It’s a terrific experience,” shares Chani Tu, a violist with the Shen Yun Performing Arts Orchestra, “the prospects of touring as a symphony brought excitement and apprehension. [But] this time, the music itself is first and foremost…” There were time constraints for the touring orchestra but as Ms. Tu says, “Our greatest pleasure during the performance was being able to directly see our audience from the stage.”
More on her inspiring account here: First Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra Tour in USA.
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